Tag: Workouts

Health Fitness 11 Min Read

Playground Workouts and Getting Fit Like a Kid

These days, it seems like every gym you walk into is the same. Most will have some free weights, a full line of weight machines, your choice of cardio equipment, and also some sort of “functional training area” replete with kettlebells, battle ropes, bands, and suspension training systems. For somes

Health Fitness 20 Min Read

The Best Triceps Workouts for Muscle, Strength, and More

Ask 10 lifters to name the body part they’re training on any random day, and you’ll probably hear some familiar answers — chest, back, arms, biceps, maybe even legs. But very few will say they’re working triceps. There’s generic “arm day,” which includes the triceps. But they rarely get a

Health Fitness 4 Min Read

Over 40 Weeks of Free Mature Athlete Workouts

There’s now way around it – we all get older. That doesn’t mean you have to stop working out, but it does mean you may need to change the focus and intensity of your workouts. For that reason, we created the Mature Athlete Workouts. We currently have forty weeks of

Health Fitness 22 Min Read

The Best Bodyweight Workouts for Muscle, Strength, Conditioning, and More

If you were to challenge someone to get into shape without stepping into a gym, they’d be confused. It’s as if some people still believe you can only build muscle, get stronger, or improve conditioning by lifting weights or using machines. That’s just not true. Bodyweight training is convenient, can

Health Fitness 19 Min Read

Try These Hotel Workouts to Stay Fit During Holiday Travel

Travel is inevitably associated with a departure from normal routine, but regular resistance exercise is one habit you don’t want to leave behind.  Resistance training helps to maintain and improve physical health, appearance, and strength. Strong evidence even links resistance training to reduced risk of death from all causes. (1)

Health Fitness 8 Min Read

1 Kettlebell, 9 Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Kettlebells are just a tool, but their myriad uses make them the best tool available. Kettlebells are just a tool, but their myriad uses make them the best tool available. I’m a big fan of kettlebells. Kettlebells are by far the most effective and convenient conditioning tool around. I would

Health Fitness 3 Min Read

18 Weeks of Free Bodyweight Workouts (54 Workouts!)

These workouts were designed by Breaking Muscle founder Mindith Rahmat. Mindith has trained extensively in yoga, kettlebells, and bodyweight. She is the definition of a fitness enthusiast and is always studying the experts. She has pulled all her knowledge and findings together into these bodyweight workouts. These workouts were designed

Health Fitness 9 Min Read

Top 10 PT Test Mistakes (and 12 Weeks of Free Workouts to Fix Them)

Click Here to Start Stew’s Twelve Weeks of Workouts Do you have to take a fitness test in a month? Here are twelve weeks of workouts for those of you who: Are beginners and only hoping to pass the test. Are intermediate level working at improving scores to new levels. Are advanced

Health Fitness 13 Min Read

Feel, Look, and Move Better: Workouts for 40+ Athletes

You’re not in your twenties anymore, and haven’t been for a while. You’re busy, don’t really enjoy the gym setting, and you couldn’t care less about setting a new personal record in Olympic lifts or “Fran” times. In fact, just looking at all the “hard-core” and “Do you even lift?”

Health Fitness 8 Min Read

Workouts to Improve Strength, Conditioning, and Swim Technique

Week 1, Day 1 Hold 3 minute Plank Swim 100m Rest 10 seconds while holding breath Swim 200m Rest 10 seconds while holding breath Swim 100m Week 1, Day 2 100x 4 count Flutter Kick Kick x50 100x 4ct Flutter Kick Swim 50 100x 4ct Flutter Kick Push Plate under